The Power of Working Together
Cooperative Energy
Powers Your Local
Electric Cooperative
Together, we’re providing safe, reliable energy from the Delta to the Coast. As 12 electric cooperatives working together, we have more power to do good for our members and communities.

Cooperative Energy generates and transmits electricity to 11 Member-owned Cooperatives, including the local cooperative that powers your home. Here’s the journey from generator to meter.

Power Plant

Transmission Lines


Distribution Lines

Your Home or Business
Welcome home to
Cooperative Energy.
Discover the advantages of being a member.

Electrical Safety
Because the dangers aren’t always obvious, stay alert and stay clear of power lines.

Solar Energy
The sun shines on Mississippi. So let’s use it to power Mississippi.

Member Benefits
Explore what it means to be a member of a local, not-for-profit electric cooperative.

Together, we have more power to protect what matters most.

Electric Vehicles!
Take a few minutes to learn about today’s EVs. You may be driving one yourself soon!

When communities need a hand, the people of your local electric cooperative are quick to raise their hands to help.